Caps Lock on Chromebook A Comprehensive Guide

Chromebooks are widely popular for their simplicity, speed, and security. If you own a Chromebook, you might be wondering how to use the Caps Lock key effectively. In this article, we will delve into the functionality of the Caps Lock key on Chromebooks and provide you with valuable tips and tricks to optimize your typing experience.

Understanding the Caps Lock Key

The Caps Lock key, typically located on the left side of the keyboard, is designed to toggle the capitalization of letters. When activated, it capitalizes all the letters you type, making it useful for typing in uppercase or entering passwords that require specific capitalization.

Caps Lock Functionality on Chromebook

Toggling Caps Lock On and Off

By default, Chromebooks don’t have a dedicated Caps Lock key. However, you can still enable this functionality by pressing the Alt + Search keys simultaneously. The Search key is usually represented by a magnifying glass or a Google logo on the keyboard.

To activate Caps Lock, press Alt + Search. You will notice a notification on the screen indicating that Caps Lock is now enabled. To disable Caps Lock, repeat the same key combination.

Using Caps Lock with External Keyboards

If you are using an external keyboard with your Chromebook, it may have a dedicated Caps Lock key. In this case, you can use it just like on any other standard keyboard. Simply press the Caps Lock key to toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Modifying Caps Lock Behavior on Chromebook

Customizing Caps Lock to Act as a Search Key

If you rarely use the Caps Lock function and would prefer to have the key serve a different purpose, you can customize it to act as a Search key. This way, you can quickly initiate a search without needing to open a separate browser window.

To modify Caps Lock behavior, follow these steps:

Click on the clock in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Select the gear icon to access the Settings menu.

In the Settings menu, click on “Device” and then “Keyboard.”

Under the “Caps Lock” section, choose the “Search” option.

Once you’ve made this change, pressing the Caps Lock key will activate the search function, allowing you to search directly from your Chromebook.

Reassigning Caps Lock Functionality with Chrome Extensions

Chrome extensions offer additional flexibility in modifying keyboard behavior on your Chromebook. There are extensions available that allow you to assign custom functions to the Caps Lock key or even remap it to perform specific actions. Visit the Chrome Web Store to explore the available extensions and find one that suits your needs.

Troubleshooting Caps Lock Issues on Chromebook

Caps Lock Not Working

If you encounter issues with the Caps Lock key not working on your Chromebook, try the following troubleshooting steps:

Restart your Chromebook: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve software-related issues.

Check for updates: Ensure that your Chromebook’s operating system is up to date.

Reset keyboard settings: Go to Settings > Device > Keyboard and click on “Reset to default” to restore the default keyboard settings.

Unintentional Caps Lock Activation

If you frequently find yourself unintentionally activating Caps Lock, you can enable the “Show Caps Lock status on the shelf” option in the Keyboard settings. This will display a notification on the bottom-right corner of the screen whenever Caps Lock is activated, helping you stay aware of its status.


Q: Can I use Caps Lock on a Chromebook without an external keyboard? 

A: Yes, you can enable Caps Lock on a Chromebook by pressing the Alt + Search keys simultaneously.

Q: How do I customize the Caps Lock key on my Chromebook? 

A: To customize the Caps Lock key, go to Settings > Device > Keyboard and choose the desired behavior, such as Search or a custom function.

Q: Are there any Chrome extensions to remap the Caps Lock key? 

A: Yes, you can find various Chrome extensions in the Chrome Web Store that allow you to remap the Caps Lock key to perform different actions.

Q: What should I do if my Caps Lock key is not working on my Chromebook? 

A: Try restarting your Chromebook, checking for updates, and resetting the keyboard settings to resolve any Caps Lock issues.

Q: How can I prevent unintentional Caps Lock activation? 

A: Enable the “Show Caps Lock status on the shelf” option in the Keyboard settings to receive a notification whenever Caps Lock is activated, helping you avoid unintentional activation.


Understanding the functionality of the Caps Lock key on your Chromebook is essential for efficient typing and productivity. Whether you need to capitalize letters, customize the key’s behavior, or troubleshoot any issues, this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to mastering the Caps Lock key on your Chromebook.

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